Available as mugs, pillows, throw blankets, ceramic tiles, posters, and cards. All gifts can be customized – visit our online art store now to see all these beautiful gifts.
This photograph was taken in summer, during a vacation to Michigan with friends. We enjoyed a sunny day of boating on Lake Michigan’s sparkling, clear waters, and on returning noticed dozens of water lilies around the docks. The perfect, fully opened flowers stood out against a sea of shimmering green formed by their flat, big leaves.
Gift Guide
Recommended For: Pisces
Also Good For: Anyone interested in meditation, spirituality
Season: Timeless
Element: Water, Earth, Fire, and Air
If You Know Your Chart, Recommended For: Pisces Moon, Pisces ascendant, multiple planets in twelfth house, or any water sign emphasis
AVAILABLE AS: mugs, pillows, throw blankets, ceramic tiles, posters, and cards. All gifts can be customized – visit our online art store now to see all these beautiful gifts.
More About The Photograph
This white flower with golden center turns its face to the bright summer sunshine. Like its cousin, the lotus, the water lily symbolizes humanity’s spiritual quest: the plant’s roots can be found in mud (just as our souls occupy physical, earthy bodies), but its flower sits on the water’s surface and opens to the Sun (just as our souls open or flower fully when we become illuminated with spiritual Light).
Water lilies also are associated with the astrological sign Pisces, a water sign preoccupied with our spiritual existence; that makes this photograph harmonious not only with the Fish but with for anyone devoted to meditation and spiritual pursuits.
Despite having been taken in high summer and showing a flower fitting for the late winter sign Pisces, this photograph exists outside of time and season because its subject symbolizes eternity and the soul. In addition, it offers a perfectly balanced combination of all the astrological elements: water (the lake), fire (the golden center and the sunshine), air (the clear air surrounding the flower), and earth (all plants that grow in soil are linked with earth). And so this image has a universal quality, making it suitable for anyone, of any zodiac sign.
Water Lily Photograph Available As Gifts
This serene and delicate floral image is available as beautiful gifts in our online art store.
All gifts can be customized: add text such as your name, zodiac sign, or a special message, or adjust images and add background colors. Also, most gifts come in a many different sizes, shapes, and styles: seven mug styles, six pillow sizes with two fiber options, two ceramic tile sizes, four paper and canvas options for posters, and three card sizes. See individual product pages for full details.
Click any image or link below to see these gifts now:
Art and Astrology for Living in Harmony
This beautiful photograph combines art and astrology to help you enjoy living in harmony.
Click any of the images or the yellow buttons above to see all the lovely gifts we offer based on the Water Lily photograph. And keep in mind: you can make these gifts your own, because all our gifts can be customized!
Or use these links to see multiple products in various categories:
Remember: when you choose art based on your zodiac sign, you strengthen your astrology and help connect with who you really are and why you’re here. And when you give a loved one or friend a zodiac art gift, you help others do the same.
May you always enjoy living in harmony,
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