Your team and its relationships are up for review all this year.
We haven’t seen such a strong year for improving business relationships since 2005, so you need to make the most of this powerful opportunity.
So Why Is My Team Not Getting Along?
Even with all the great potential this year is offering, you may have found yourself struggling and seen your team not getting along. You may even have felt like life at the office and dealing with your team had gone haywire some days.
There are some challenging cycles in play right now that are causing plenty of stress for everyone. You can see it in world events, even as you’re feeling it on the job.
What You Can Do About It To Improve Your Team
At the same time, there is a major cycle starting soon that can help you turn the corner on team relationships. There are some key dates you need to be aware of as well as the most important steps you can take now to overcome the challenges you face.
Join me Sunday, February 19, when I return to Frank Fontana’s top-rated WGN Radio show. I’ll be sharing details about current cycles, including the one coming up soon that’s crucial for teams to get along better. I’ll also talk about how you can use that cycle to leverage its best opportunities for your team—and all your business relationships.
Call Or Text The Show: 1 – 3 p.m. U.S. Central Time February 19
As always, we will be taking calls and texts from listeners at (312) 981-7200.
The show airs from 1 to 3 p.m. U.S. central time on WGN Radio AM 720. My segment starts at about 2 p.m. Be sure to tune in early and call as soon as possible, as the phone lines fill up quickly for my visits to Frank’s show.
Listen On Radio Or Online
The show airs on WGN Radio AM 720, and you can listen on radio in the Chicago area or listen from anywhere in the world online with your smart phone, computer, or other device at http://wgnradio.com/on-air/ You’ll find all the listening options there, including the live feed.
PLEASE NOTE: The http://wgnradio.com/on-air/ link will take you to a new browser window with an audio player. Just click the “click here to listen live” box to hear the show. If you are not able to hear WGN immediately, try one of the following:
- Use this url to get help: http://v6.player.abacast.net/help.php
- Use a different browser (we’ve seen some issues with getting the show on Safari; try Chrome, Firefox, or Opera)
- Listen on TuneIn Radio or iHeartRadio using the links at at http://wgnradio.com/2012/12/09/listen-to-wgn-radio-on-iheartradio-and-tunein-radio/
- See all listening options and get access to audio help at http://wgnradio.com/on-air/
Get The Time For Your Location Now
The show starts at 1:00 p.m., U.S. central time. You can convert this time to the local time in your area, instantly, with this time zone converter: http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/converter.html
Listen On Radio, Online, Or On Your Mobile Device
Hear the show live by tuning in WGN Radio at AM 720 in Chicago. Or listen online from anywhere in the world by going to http://wgnradio.com/on-air/. Or listen on your smartphone or other mobile device with the WGN Radio app, available for both Android and Apple devices; to get the app, go to http://wgnradio.com/on-air/ and choose the link for your device.
Enjoy the show,
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